Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Please pray for Cambodia

Four of my friends from church are currently on a mission trip in Cambodia. They left on the 9th and will return on the 23rd. I meant to post a blog about this a week ago, but I wasn't able to get it up until today.

Please be praying for the entire team (there are people from other churches on the team as well) as they serve as the hands and feet of Christ in Cambodia. They will be working hard to help move a children's home from one city to another. In addition to assisting in moving the children, they will be doing a good deal of cleaning and making repairs to the old home and the new one. The team will also be doing several prayer walks in the area.

To follow the team's progress, check out To The Ends of the Earth to read a firsthand account from the field.

Here are some specific prayer requests for the trip from members of the team:

Heritage House (the home for children the team went to help move)

  • All of these children will be moved to a new city, a new school, a new everything. Please pray for a smooth transition.

  • Please pray for favor in leaving the old building. The landlord is trying to cheat Heritage House out of a lot of money.

  • The staff need prayer for a continued compassion for the children and each other.

  • Please pray for the salvation of the children through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The Church

  • The area where this church will be does not know of our Savior, please pray that the Holy Spirit will move in that place.

  • Lewis (the team leader) and a few others have been training a young man to lead this church, please pray that he allows God to work through him for the salvation of Kampot.

  • Please pray that hidden believers will rise up and join in the fellowship and family that is the Church.

  • Please pray protection against anything that would hinder the growth of God's kingdom.

Kampot and Cambodia
Please pray...

  • That the church will grow strong and fearless

  • That the government will grow soft to the Word of God

  • That families will seek to grow stronger

  • That love would fill the streets, driving out fear

  • That the monks and following Buddhists will hear the word of truth and turn to God

Missions Team


  • Spirit of love and obedience

  • Focus

  • Productivity

  • Increased faith and strength for spiritual warfare

  • Health and safety

  • Glorious times of worship and praise


  • New revelations of God and His Kingdom


  • Open ears and eyes to hear and see with clarity whatever God may wish to speak to them

  • Hearts totally in tune to what the Father is doing and saying

Thank you for joining me in praying for the team! I can't wait to hear all the accounts of what God has done when they return!

1 comment:

Tim Atchley said...

Hey Liz,

Great post! Keep it up.

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14