Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sarah the construction worker

As many of you have heard, I interviewed one of my best friends, Sarah, for my personality profile assignment in my broadcast journalism class. We were assigned to do an interview with someone who does/has done something out of the ordinary. Because Sarah works construction and that's not something most girls typically are interested in, I decided to interview her. It was fun.

This is the first time I've conducted an actual interview with a camera, so please forgive any amateurishness. I've shot video for four or five projects now, but I never had to include an interview in any of them. So I'm glad she was my guinea pig. :) At least I know she didn't think I was an unprofessional idiot when I messed up some during the interview/shooting process or took a little bit longer to get things set up. ;)

The interview turned out great. I had so much material to work with it was hard to cut it down to only a minute and a half.

After hours of editing (I've gotta learn some shortcuts in FinalCutPro), here's the result:

Knoxville construction worker defies gender stereotype from Liz Overton on Vimeo.

And for those interested, here's the entire interview. I didn't have time to edit it, so here it is in raw form. I might go back and edit it some later, when I have time.

A big thanks to Sarah! She did a great job and very graciously allowed me to interview her and follow her around with a camera as she worked. You did awesome, Sarah! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Good interview! That's our Sarah!
Love it!
Mr. Doug

Anonymous said...

That was really good, Liz!!
Megan <><

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14