Wednesday, November 12, 2008

UT students face problems registering for classes

For my latest broadcast journalism class project, I had to package a problem-solution story. I decided to do a story on class registration and show how it is becoming increasingly difficult to get into many core classes. With the recent budget cuts, this is a problem only expected to grow worse before it improves. I'm really thankful I'm finished in May! By the grace of God I was able to get into the classes I needed without being forced to stay an extra semester! I had a close call my first semester at UT where I was only able to get into a couple of the journalism classes I needed, but God graciously got me into the rest of them on time.

Story summary:

Budget cuts and an increase in the number of undergraduate students have combined to cause classes to fill up early. Many UT students are getting online to register only to find the courses they need are already full.

Suggested anchor lead-in:
The fall semester isn’t finished yet—but most University of Tennessee students are already thinking of spring. TNJN’s Liz Overton has more.

UT students face problems registering for classes from Liz Overton on Vimeo.

Suggested anchor lead-out:
McMillan recommends that students meet with their advisors regularly to learn which classes to take and find out if they’re on track. Students are required to meet with their advisors once a year.


MrsWendy said...

Bravo Liz! Bravo!! : ) Another great piece, well done!

PS, THANK YOU for Peanut Butter Pie! We got in after 10 pm tonight, but I didn't want to wait until tomorrow to have some of the was so YUMMY-GOOD! Thank you for such a sweet & thoughtful birthday present! : )

Unknown said...

Keep up the good work, Liz. I am so very proud of you!!

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14