Saturday, January 10, 2009

Dancing with Jesus

I like to dance. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not that great at it--I don't have the natural grace and agility some possess and can't seem to sway my hips just so--but nevertheless, I enjoy dancing. My philosophy on dance is: As long as you're having fun and not stepping on your partner's toes--who cares?

Every once in a while, it's fun to just relax, cast your cares aside and dance. Who cares how stupid you may look. If you're having fun, that's all that matters.

I had a blast dancing around tonight with some of my friends at a wedding. Did I know all the moves some of my friends did? No. Was I one of the better dancers there? Not by a long shot. But was it worth it? Absolutely! I simply enjoyed laughing with my friends as we moved to the beat of the music.

I designated the rest of the evening to just relax, so when I came home I sat down on the couch and started to unwind. As I thought back over the night's events, I heard the Lord gently whisper, "Come dance with me."

Then once again, "Come dance with me. Let me hold you close and lead you through the joys and the sorrows of life. Feel my strong arms around you--gently holding you close, yet firmly guiding your steps. It won't always be easy--but I'll never let you go.... Come dance with me."

So I did. Responding to the moment, I began to gently waltz around the room, basking in my Jesus' presence, savoring his nearness.

But it it goes much deeper a simple response like that. I've taken a "social dance" class (basically ballroom dance with some Latin dances added as well) and I know that while some dances are fun and easy--others take work and practice. In fact, when one is first learning the steps to some dances, it is easy to become frustrated and think one isn't capable of doing the moves correctly. But given time and experience--it becomes second nature. Anyone can dance.

And sometimes, it's hard not to unintentionally try to lead. Just ask me how often I got yelled at for accidentally trying to lead in class (I had a *very* strict teacher and that was entirely against the rules--women are *never* supposed to lead!)! But no matter how tempting it is to try to control the next steps, the dance always goes best when the man leads and the woman follows.

Similarly, there are times when life with God is fun and easy. Life seems effortless and full of pleasure. But other times, when God changes the music and introduces some new steps, it isn't always so easy. It takes work. Lots of hard work. And trust. We have to allow Him to lead us, no matter how much we want to control the next move and determine where we're going and when. It often becomes frustrating, and it's easy to feel like it's impossible to ever learn the dance.

But when we allow the Lord to lead us and teach us--we will eventually emerge victorious and glide easily across the floor with our ultimate lover and Savior, Jesus Christ. We can rest in Him arms, knowing that through it all, He will never let us go.

Are you dancing with Jesus? Are you letting Him take the lead, even when the dance involves new and maybe even intimidating steps? His call to dance isn't just for me. He's beckoning to you, too-- anxiously waiting to lead you onto the dance floor. Will you let Him?


Unknown said...

Dear Liz - such a sweet post! I really enjoyed this one :)

Sheila Atchley said...

Very well written...beautiful post. I need to stop trying to "lead"! :-)

Michele Rasmussen said...

Yes, dancing through life is certainly the way to go. I suppose that as women we need to learn to follow, and if you have a man in your life you can only hope that he has learned to follow his heart before trying to lead you.

God Bless and thank you for sharing.

Liz Overton said...


Welcome! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to post a comment! I appreciate it. I hope you enjoyed your visit! :)

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14