Sunday, May 11, 2008

I'm still alive

I realize that it's been a month since I last posted a blog entry, but I am still alive out here. ;) With finals and a host of other things going on in April and early May, blogging was not my top priority. However, now that the semester is over (*hallelujah chorus begins to play*), I will have more time for blogging and plan to make it a priority over the summer. I intend to sit down and list my goals for the summer over the next couple of days and create a summer routine. After finishing my last final on Tuesday, I spent the majority of last week just relaxing when I wasn't at work (summer break means more hours--but at least that leads to a bigger paycheck). But I'm not one to sit around without any real plans for long, so I plan to fix that this week.

Probably the most exciting plan for the upcoming summer that I have at the moment is a journalism practicum (basically, a fancy word for a part-time internship). Beginning in June, I will be a summer intern with the news department at WBIR. I am thrilled to have the position and look forward to the opportunity to gain real-world experience in the journalism field. I am also excited about working with the people at WBIR.

I also plan to spend as much time as possible with my friends over the summer simply hanging out, having fun and relaxing. :)

I'll probably post more of my summer plans later, but for right now, this is all I have beyond the beginnings of a summer reading list.

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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14