Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Santa Cow is comin' to town!

For my final broadcast journalism project this semester, I covered the Santa Cow Kids Night event at my former second home, Chick-fil-A at Kingston Overlook. For the assignment, we couldn't just cover the event, we also had to take either a personality profile, problem-solution, or issue-oriented angle to it. So I chose to interview the Kids Night hostess and try to write a personality profile event package.

I also had to shoot two as-live stand-ups as my intro and outro. My lead-out is kind of dumb, but when I shot it I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to script the package yet. So I had to keep it general and simple. In addition, I also had to shoot man on the street interviews. Let's just say it gets interesting trying to interview kids (It was fun though! They're so cute!) without intimidating them with the microphone and big video camera/tripod ensemble.

But despite the additional requirements, I had a blast reporting and interacting with some of my friends and former co-workers. I always enjoyed working Santa Cow night. Yeah, it was busy and crazy, but we always had more employees scheduled to accommodate the additional customers, so (in theory) we could handle it. It was usually my night, so I always got excited about seeing how much extra business we could do. I'll have to pull out some of my Santa Cow pictures from last year. My crew and I had a little fun. :)

Here's the video if would like to watch it:

Santa Cow comes to town from Liz Overton on Vimeo.


MrsWendy said...

Love it Liz! : ) That was great! : )
I didn't even know that Chick-fil-a had a "Santa Cow". I'll have to remember that for next year. : )

Keep up the great work!

Much Love,

Liz Overton said...

Not every Chick-fil-A has a Santa Cow. Our marketing director had Santa and elf costumes made for our cow and little cow. The Santa Cow night is something Marshall does. Santa Cow shows up at all Kids Nights during December, but there is a scheduled Santa Cow picture night at Kingston Overlook and a separate one at Turkey Creek toward the end of November. This year Turkey Creek's was Nov. 18 and Kingston Overlook's was Nov. 25.

Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it. :)

Unknown said...

Great job, Liz. You are definitely pursuing the right profession. You are very talented. And . . . I thorougly enjoy the Christmas music on you blog site!!

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14