Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A white surprise

Sometimes I think God likes to keep us guessing what the weather is going to be like around here.

I was startled this morning to stumble out of bed and start getting ready for class, only to look outside the back door and see a blanket of white! We had about 3/4 - 1 inch of accumulation at my house in West Knoxville.

UT didn't cancel or delay classes (surprise, surprise--it takes an act of God to shut that place down!), but I made the decision to delay my classes by skipping my first one. The roads near my house were reportedly messy, so since my voice instructor doesn't take attendance, I decided to stay home. I enjoy the class, but with snow and an inauguration to watch, I decided to skip today.

My health instructor kindly canceled class because of the snow and the inauguration, so I didn't have to go to class until this afternoon. I'm glad she canceled class, because *sheepish grin* I was going to skip it anyway. I never skip class--but I decided yesterday that I was willing to skip class to watch the inauguration. They only come once every four years, after all--and this one has even more historical elements to it than normal.

So I got to enjoy the snow a little bit this morning. :)

I love the special touch snow gives everything. That blanket of white adds a serene, pleasant feel to everything that gives the entire day a peaceful air. I also enjoyed watching the wind blow the snow around. It looked like tiny grains of sugar were swirling around in my backyard!

Here are some of the photos I snapped in my yard while the snow was still fresh (my mom took the pictures I'm in).

My car covered in snow

Some trees and plants in our yard

The front yard and the street in front of my house

My little brother and me

I tried to throw a snowball at him, but the snow was too powdery

Watching history with mixed feelings

Today, Barack Obama became the first African-American president of the United States. His swearing-in was definitely a moment for the history books, particularly with our country's not-so-distant history of racial discrimination and segregation. I was proud to see that many people in our country have set aside the past and embraced our new leader, regardless of the color of his skin.

But despite the historical significance, I watched the inauguration today with a somber feeling. While I'm proud that our country has made a large step toward healing some of the grievious past racial sins we committed, I simply cannot agree with many of President Obama's policies, particularly on issues such as abortion. The thought of what his election could mean for the unborn in our country is sobering.

However, I don't have a woe-is-me or this-is-the-end-of-the-world feeling about it all. While I don't agree with President Obama on many key issues, that does not mean he will not have my support and respect as the leader of this country. More importantly, he will be in my prayers. My God is a God of miracles and it is certainly well within his power to change someone's heart. God wasn't surprised when Obama was elected and the Bible makes it clear that God establishes leaders in the positions they are in (Romans 13:1). God can use anyone--even leaders not living for Him--to accomplish His purposes.

Sadly, I must confess that I have not prayed for our country's leaders in the past as much as I should have. I think having a president in office for the past eight years who professes to be a Christian and supported many Christian values, unfortunately, led me to relax some and not pray as I should have. Some of our nation's recent events have served as a wake-up call in my life to be on my knees daily--multiple times a day--for our nation and its leaders. The Bible makes it very clear that we should be praying constantly for all of our leaders and I've asked the Lord's forgiveness for failing to do that. In an election year marked by a cry for change and new beginnings, it is my prayer that this "change" and reawakening in my prayer life will stay with me and that I won't make the same mistakes again. I want to stand in the gap and serve as a watchman on the walls for our nation, not simply be part of the crowd, oblivious to the potential dangers around me.

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone--for kings and for all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
- 1 Timothy 2:1-2

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
- 2 Chronicles 7:14

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Rain, rain, go away!

I've tried to keep a positive attitude about it, but...I'm sick of rain!

Granted, we need the rain. (My attempt at a positive outlook.) Even though we managed to break even in rainfall for 2008 (thanks in large part to a very wet December!), experts say we really need a couple of years of surplus to make up for the nearly 14-inch deficit in rainfall we experienced in 2007. Although they do caution that to be most effective it really needs to come in the form of a slow, steady shower--not the heavy downpours we've experienced of late.

But in my opinion, the overabundance of rain we've seen lately, while it has its purpose, needs to move on. I need some sunshine! (Actually, the earth does too, to avoid more flooding problems.)

The world simply seems like a happier place when the sun is shining. Winter is usually dull enough after the holidays without the added frustration of days of cloudy skies and perpetually wet conditions.

So I'm thankful to finally see a seven-day forecast predicting at least a few of days where we'll have a high chance of seeing the sun. It doesn't look like the sun will provide any warmth...but hey, beggers can't be choosers. It is winter, after all. I'll take the cold conditions as long as they're paired with sunshine! :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Dancing with Jesus

I like to dance. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not that great at it--I don't have the natural grace and agility some possess and can't seem to sway my hips just so--but nevertheless, I enjoy dancing. My philosophy on dance is: As long as you're having fun and not stepping on your partner's toes--who cares?

Every once in a while, it's fun to just relax, cast your cares aside and dance. Who cares how stupid you may look. If you're having fun, that's all that matters.

I had a blast dancing around tonight with some of my friends at a wedding. Did I know all the moves some of my friends did? No. Was I one of the better dancers there? Not by a long shot. But was it worth it? Absolutely! I simply enjoyed laughing with my friends as we moved to the beat of the music.

I designated the rest of the evening to just relax, so when I came home I sat down on the couch and started to unwind. As I thought back over the night's events, I heard the Lord gently whisper, "Come dance with me."

Then once again, "Come dance with me. Let me hold you close and lead you through the joys and the sorrows of life. Feel my strong arms around you--gently holding you close, yet firmly guiding your steps. It won't always be easy--but I'll never let you go.... Come dance with me."

So I did. Responding to the moment, I began to gently waltz around the room, basking in my Jesus' presence, savoring his nearness.

But it it goes much deeper a simple response like that. I've taken a "social dance" class (basically ballroom dance with some Latin dances added as well) and I know that while some dances are fun and easy--others take work and practice. In fact, when one is first learning the steps to some dances, it is easy to become frustrated and think one isn't capable of doing the moves correctly. But given time and experience--it becomes second nature. Anyone can dance.

And sometimes, it's hard not to unintentionally try to lead. Just ask me how often I got yelled at for accidentally trying to lead in class (I had a *very* strict teacher and that was entirely against the rules--women are *never* supposed to lead!)! But no matter how tempting it is to try to control the next steps, the dance always goes best when the man leads and the woman follows.

Similarly, there are times when life with God is fun and easy. Life seems effortless and full of pleasure. But other times, when God changes the music and introduces some new steps, it isn't always so easy. It takes work. Lots of hard work. And trust. We have to allow Him to lead us, no matter how much we want to control the next move and determine where we're going and when. It often becomes frustrating, and it's easy to feel like it's impossible to ever learn the dance.

But when we allow the Lord to lead us and teach us--we will eventually emerge victorious and glide easily across the floor with our ultimate lover and Savior, Jesus Christ. We can rest in Him arms, knowing that through it all, He will never let us go.

Are you dancing with Jesus? Are you letting Him take the lead, even when the dance involves new and maybe even intimidating steps? His call to dance isn't just for me. He's beckoning to you, too-- anxiously waiting to lead you onto the dance floor. Will you let Him?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bring on 2009!

Happy 2009!

I've heard several people say that they are very thankful to see 2008 come to an end, and I have to agree. While I didn't face challenging circumstances on the scale of many others I know, I still dealt with enough personal struggles and interesting circumstances to make me happy to see 2009 come around. 2008, for me, was a year filled with the good, the bad, and a whole lot of the confusing.

My personal word from the Lord for 2008 was to intensely seek after the Lord for direction. I felt like God told me to persistently seek after direction from Him and keep pressing in. Yes, we need to do that all the time--and I do--but this was different. I felt like this was on a deeper level, specifically for 2008. God told me I would receive the direction I need, but not as the result of a quick five-minute prayer. It would be the result of persistent prayer, digging into the Word and seeking God. A few weeks into January, Joe Ewen gave me a word that confirmed this to me.

And God wasn't kidding! I really needed direction from the Lord in a number of areas this year, and I received a great deal of it. Some of it I've been able to act on or see God move in, a lot of it I'm still waiting for God to orchestrate and act on. Most of it is all Him anyway! I just follow along and let Him lead.

And that's not to say that throughout the entire year I sought his direction intently and instantly took everything He said to heart in faith. I slipped up numerous times, but overall, did keep it a top priority for the entire year.

Consequently, 2008 was a year of learning to trust God at a whole new level and have faith that He is going to move--in His time--even when in the natural it seems like I have nothing to go on.

And some of that ties into what I believe God is saying to me about 2009. As I began to seek the Lord about 2009, I felt like he told me to work on what my mouth is doing. That obviously needs to be expounded on and God did give me a better idea of what he was talking about. Yes, I believe that means I need to work on less whining, complaining, pointless conversation, etc.--but more importantly, I feel like God is telling me to cultivate a thankful heart and use my lips to joyfully bring Him praise at all times. Even in those circumstances where He has yet to move. I even believe praise especially needs to be my response in those circumstances. I need to be praising Him in faith that He will keep His promises, even before they come to pass. I need to praise Him for His grace, faithfulness, and goodness in my life and for who He is, with a particular focus on thankfulness. Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks--so cultivating a thankful heart will be a top priority. As with last year's word, this is obviously something I need to be doing and continually working on at all times. But I believe I'm supposed to make it a top priority and take it to a higher level in the coming year.

The Lord is my strength and shield; my heart trusts in Him and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.
~ Psalm 28:7

I share a lot of this with the hope that those of you near me will hold me accountable to this. ;) If you catch me whining or acting depressed and frustrated, please don't hesitate to knock some sense into me and remind me to praise the Lord no matter what circumstances I may find myself in. I mean that.

And that's a summary of some of what God has been speaking to my heart for 2009. I am really believing that 2009 will be a great year and I can't wait to see what God does in and through my life--and the lives of those around me--in the coming year. :)

But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me.
~ Psalm 13:5-6
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14